Saturday 3 August 2013

Professor Stephen Hawking and orange juice

The inspiration for this blog came, I suppose, from the following quote, made famous by the legendary Professor Stephen Hawking:

‘Look up at the stars, and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.’

Though not much of a scientist, I liked the idea of knowing more than what was easy, safe and accessible information. I believe that to be curious, to be interested, is to be interesting. I dare you to look up, right now. If it’s a ceiling you see – stare at it. Notice a pattern you hadn’t seen before, or just enjoy the simplicity of nothing. If you are outside, even better! Wonder about the clouds. Maybe you know how they are made; maybe you couldn’t care a bit, but enjoy them. When I originally wrote this, on pen and paper (due to limited Wi-Fi access on holiday!), it was late afternoon in Madrid and the sky was simply stunning. Bright blue, with clouds – not too many, not too few – slowly passing me by. And I felt like the luckiest girl alive, just because of the view. But let’s not get too sentimental – my friends say it’s bad for me...

The Professor Hawking quote was introduced to me by my secondary school Headmaster, who was quite clearly equally influenced by it, as he used it on several occasions. I hope you too, wherever and whoever you are, feel that you have the ability to be curious. It makes the world so much more fun!

If I am honest, the short term cause of this blog was a glass of orange juice. Random, I know. But I am a huge fan of orange juice and this glass surpassed every other glass of the stuff I have ever had. It was fresh orange juice from CafĂ© Pino, and for the first time in my life, the juice tasted like real oranges! It went straight onto my list of the best foods I have ever tasted, which reads: my sister’s homemade raspberry cheesecake, any cake my mum makes except coffee and walnut (sorry mum!), pink lemonade from an American-style restaurant in Singapore, and the grilled chicken sandwich and chocolate fudge cake for pudding from the Blue Beach restaurant, Cyprus.

The reason that the orange juice is the cause of this blog, more to the point, is that I remarked to my mum and aunt that I felt like I needed to share this amazing orange juice with the world(!) and my aunt replied, Why didn’t I start a travel blog? And I suppose that I realised that I had to start blogging, and I had to start soon. For years I have blamed exams and coursework for my online absence, but having left school now, and with no holiday homework, I finally have the time to blog, and so… Here goes! This is start of my blog, and it is very exciting and very scary at the same time.

To the few people who have read this, thank you for helping make my dreams come true. My first words are now yours to enjoy, and thank you for taking the time to be curious with me.

God bless


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