About Me

For young people nowadays, being quirky is only half as exciting, half as ‘in’ as being ‘qwerty’ – that is, in tune with all things technical. Recently I uncovered an old magazine article from a decade ago, entitled ‘The Young and Quirky’. It detailed everything that was cool and modern, and I noticed that not a lot of things on the list needed plugging in and recharging every night.

As the proud owner of a phone that can only call and text – that’s right people, no apps! no internet! – I dawned on me that to be an acceptable young person in 2013 you have to be ‘qwerty’. You have to speak Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, for these sites are languages of their own. So, in a bid to prove that I really am an aspiring journalist, I have taken the plunge and started a blog, channelling my inner ‘qwerty’ and ditching my beloved pen and paper. Well almost – I still tend to wake up in the middle of the night and reach for the nearest pen and old receipt, but at least now I type it up in the morning!

This blog will be, quite simply, things I want to say. At times it might be uplifting and inspirational, at others it might be harrowing or challenging. It might be about my great passion for orange juice (see first post), or about a serious news story gripping the nation. Sometimes I will have an opinion, and want my voice heard, at other times I might not – I never claim to know all the answers, and as a young person I should still be asking questions and learning all the time.

I’m nervous, and I’m sure only my family and friends will read this, but if you are reading and you don’t know me, thank you. Whether it’s my faith, my fashion sense or my feelings on feminism, thank you for paying attention to everything I have to say and listening to me. I leave you with the quote that inspired me to start this blog, which I also mention in the first post.

'Look up at the stars, and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.' – Professor Stephen Hawking

God bless,

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